
Creating Tic Tac Toe with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript II Buffoon Sachin

Introduction: Tic Tac Toe is a timeless game loved by people of all ages. In this blog, I'll walk you through the steps to create your own Tic Tac Toe game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. At last code is given. Step 1: Setting Up the HTML Structure: Start by creating a new HTML file and defining the basic structure. Add a heading to indicate the title of your game, and create a container for the game board. You can use a simple grid layout using div elements to represent the Tic Tac Toe grid. Step 2: Styling the Game Board with CSS: Once the HTML structure is in place, apply some CSS styles to make the game board visually appealing. You can use CSS to define the size of the grid cells, add borders, and customize the appearance of X and O symbols. Step 3: Implementing the Game Logic with JavaScript: Now comes the exciting part – adding the game logic using JavaScript. You'll need to handle player moves, check for a winner after each move, and implement the AI for the computer p

Creating a Stylish Countdown Timer using [Html- CSS -JavaScript ] II Buffoon Sachin

  Introduction: Countdown timers are useful tools for various applications, from setting reminders to creating interactive experiences on websites. In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a sleek countdown timer using the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Follow along as we break down each step of the process, from setting up the basic structure to adding interactivity and styling. At last code is given . Step 1: Setting Up the HTML Structure Start by creating the HTML structure for the countdown timer. We'll need elements for displaying the timer itself, as well as input fields for setting the countdown duration. Step 2: Styling with CSS Enhance the visual appeal of the countdown timer by adding CSS styles. We'll use modern design principles to create a sleek and stylish appearance, ensuring that the timer looks great on any device. Step 3: Adding Functionality with JavaScript Implement the functionality of the countdown timer using JavaScript. This involves capt

Unleash Your Creativity: Crafting a Classic Snake Game from Scratch ll Buffoon Sachin

  Introduction: Snake game, a classic arcade favorite, is an excellent project for aspiring game developers. In this theoretical guide, we'll walk through the process of building a simple snake game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Each step will be explained in detail, providing insight into the underlying logic of the game. Step 1: Setting Up the HTML Structure Begin by creating an HTML file and setting up the basic structure. Include a canvas element where the game will be drawn. This canvas serves as the game board. Step 2: Styling with CSS Apply basic styles to the canvas and other elements to enhance the visual appeal of the game. You can customize colors, borders, and fonts to match your desired aesthetic. Step 3: Drawing the Snake In JavaScript, write code to draw the snake on the canvas. Define the initial position and size of the snake. The snake will consist of segments, which are represented by rectangles on the canvas. Step 4: Generating Food Implement a function to ra

How to Hide Drive Letters on Your PC ll Buffoon Sachin

      BUFFOON SACHIN Did you know that you can hide drive letters on your PC to maintain a cleaner and more organized appearance? Hiding drive letters can be useful if you have multiple drives or partitions and want to focus on the drive names rather than their associated letters. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of hiding drive letters on your PC. Step 1: Open Disk Management: The first step is to open Disk Management, a built-in utility in Windows that allows you to manage disk partitions and drives. You can access Disk Management by right-clicking on the Start button and selecting "Disk Management" from the context menu. Step 2: Locate the Drive You Want to Hide: In Disk Management, you'll see a list of all the drives and partitions connected to your PC. Locate the drive whose letter you want to hide from the list. Each drive will be labeled with its letter (e.g., C:, D:, E:, etc.). Step 3: Right-click on the Drive: Once you've

Custom voice message on startup in PC [Cool windows trick]

  BUFFOON SACHIN   Hello friends welcome to a new fresh blog.In this blog you will know how to make custom voice message on startup in your system. This trick is going in all windows. Just follow the steps given below:- 1.Right click-new and select the Text document. 2.Now paste the below code without making any changes [Press Ctrl + v to paste] Dim speaks,speech speaks="Type your text here " Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") speech.Speak speaks 3.You can type your custom text between the double inverted comma. 4.Now click on file and save as option. 5.Now give any name but use .vbs after the name for example [welcome.vbs] 6.In save as type option select All files 7.Click on save and save the file on desktop and double click on the file

How to recover unsaved files of Microsoft ( Word, Excel & PowerPoint) without using any software ll Buffoon Sachin

BUFFOON SACHIN Hello friends welcome to new fresh blog. In this blog you will how you can  recover unsaved files of Microsoft (Word, Excel & PowerPoint) without using any software or tools for all windows. This trick is going to work in all Microsoft version. Just follow the steps given below.    Now we are going to recover a word unsaved files which is by mistakenly deleted. 1.Open (Word, Excel or PowerPoint) the program of which you want to recover the files. 2.Click the file option on top left option. 3.Now in Info tab click the mange versions option. 4.Select Recover Unsaved Documents in manage version option. 5.A dialog box will appear select the file which you want get back.  [Here you will get unsaved documents now you can edit them & save it] 6.Edit your file and enjoy... If  you have any doubt feel free to