What is Hacker in Details

What is hacker ? 
What are types of hacker ? 
How a system is hack ?
Tips to safe from hacker .

     All of the above question and more things you are going to learn in this blog. So, hello friends welcome to new blog.

(A) Hacker

A hacker is an individual who uses computer , networking or other skills to overcome a technical problem.The term also may refer to anyone who uses their abilities to gain unauthorized access to systems or networks in order to commit crimes. For example, to steal bank details , personal photos , etc.

(B).Types of hacker 

There are three main types of hacker.

Let understand all one by one.

1.White Hat Hacker

Also known as Ethical Hacker. They are good hacker with a high skill knowledge .This type hacker who gains access to systems with a view to fix the identified weaknesses. They may also perform penetration Testing and vulnerability assessments.They protect the system or website from black hat hacker or attackers. White hat hacker are hired by bank and business in order to provide security. They are highly Paid for this work.

2.Gray Hat Hacker

A hacker who is in between ethical and black hat hackers. They breaks into computer systems without the authority with a view to identify weaknesses and reveal them to the system owner. They do it this just for fun and to test their hacking skills. This is illegal hacking.

3.Black Hat Hacker  

Also known as Unethical hacker. Black hat hacker are who gains unauthorized access to computer systems for personal gains.The intent is usually to steal corporate data, violate privacy rights, transfer funds from the banks. This is illegal hacking.

(C) Types of Hacking

(D) Language use by Hacker

The above are the most popular and favorite programming language of Hacker,Programmer. Now these language can be different according the hacker ,the system or what the hacker is going to hack. But mainly these Programming languages are use.

(E) How system is Hack

   A Network/System is hack by finding the weakness in it, breaking the firewall and cracking the passwords by a hacker.

You can understand it with a simple example :-  Suppose you are having a house with a breaking window or balcony and you are outside of it. Now if a thief want to enter in order to steal you precious  thing he  can use the broken window way because it will easy for him. 

The same thing happen with your System/Laptop the hacker enter in your system find the weakness taking advantage of it they hack your system.

(F) Tips to safe from hacker.

1.Keep Strong password including (numbers, words , punctuation.)
2.Don't keep password like (12345678, Iloveyou) or the password related to pet name or dictionary word.
3.Don't give your data to every website or app unnecessarily read all the agreement and cookies used by the program.
4.Keep updated your devices.
5.Use paid antivirus. 

I hope you like this blog. You learn a lot about hacker and hacking. If you are having doubt regarding this feel free to comment. Or you can watch the video given below.



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