Create a Custom Voice Message for Windows Startup ll BUFFOON SACHIN


  Hello, friends! In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of creating a custom voice message for your system's startup. This easy trick works on all versions of Windows. Just follow the simple steps outlined below:

1.Right click-new and select the Text document.

2.Now paste the below code without making any changes
[Press Ctrl + v to paste]

Dim speaks,speech
speaks="Type your text here "
Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
speech.Speak speaks

3.You can type your custom text between the double inverted comma.

4.Now click on file and save as option.

5.Now give any name but use .vbs after the name for example [welcome.vbs]

6.In save as type option select All files

7.Click on save and save the file on desktop and double click on the file if it you give you the output of text which you typed the congratulations it is working.

8.Now press [windows + r] and type shell:startup.

9.A folder will be appear, copy and paste the welcome.vbs file in this folder.

10.Now restart your pc.
This trick will be working as you restart your pc

If you want to make changes in the output message then simply follow the steps given below:-

11.Press [windows + r] and type shell:startup

12.Right click on the files and click edit.

13.Now you can make changes in the text and press [ctrl + s] to save the changes.

I hope you found this blog helpful. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. You can also check out the video below for a comprehensive guide.

Thank YOU!!!


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